The Approach to the Rutherford Atomic Model in Basic Secondary Education Textbooks
atomic models, Rutherford model, textbooks, secondary educationAbstract
In this work we propose to analyze for didactic purposes how textbooks present Rutherford's atomic model and its experimental bases from a multimodal perspective that involves both verbal texts and images related to them. We selected a sample of five recently published Argentine Basic Secondary Education textbooks. In relation to the verbal texts, we examine the genre, inferring whether it describes or explains, and we identified ideas that allude to the historical contextualization of its formulation and that are linked to the nature of science and the scientific work. With regard to images, we analyzed their ideational meaning and, finally, we looked for the logicalsemantic relationships between the verbal and the visual modes. The results show that the relationships necessary for the student’s comprehension are not obvious and would require the teacher's mediation through specific task instructions.
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