Technologies that contribute to the development of competences in Organic Chemistry
organic chemistry, TIC, competences, procedural contentsAbstract
This paper presents an analysis of Information Technology and Communication Technologies (ICT) applied to the teaching of Organic Chemistry at the university level. These technologies have been used with students of two subjects of Organic Chemistry of the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Agronomy of the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires, in devices such as netbooks, notebooks (PC), smartphones and tablets. It also addressed the problem of cell phone use, by students in their daily lives and in particular, in relation to distractions and disruptions in the classes. The skills of the profile of the future engineer were compared with the associated procedural contents in the subject of Organic Chemistry; and the contribution of ICT to their development. The use of these tools in different instances of the teaching-learning process was evaluated through a pre-test and post-test. With the use of ICT it was possible to encourage the interest of the students and improve the understanding and appropriation of the contents developed in class such as hydrocarbons, alcohols, stereochemistry and aromatics, among others.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Maximiliano I. Delletesse, R. Karina Nesprias, G. Nora Eyler
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