Pandemic and the pedagogical continuity: reflecting on chemistry in the context of immunology and on remote emergency education
immunology, chemistry, emergency remote education, contextualizationAbstract
The current pandemic changed many aspects of life, including a direct impact on teaching practices, revealing the need for changes in higher education that may accompany today's sociocultural reality. Society's growing interest in topics related to the pandemic, such as the use of convalescent plasma and the development of vaccines, could act as a trigger that promotes the intrinsic motivation of students to understand chemistry and statistics. The aim of this work was to analyze different contextualization teaching strategies and remote emergency teaching. At first, different ways of introducing immunology in the explanation of other disciplines were developed. Then, a didactic strategy immunology learning used during the sanitary confinement based on the use of flipped classes and collaborative work was described. Considering the promising results obtained, it was analyzed its possible transfer to other disciplines and its potential post-pandemic application.
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